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HIPAA Compliance

For healthcare organizations, being a trusted and secure partner to patients in their healthcare journey is essential. But many marketers and agencies may be overlooking critical security concerns in their marketing strategy. As a HIPAA-compliant agency, Full Media can help.


Keep patient data secure and protect your organization from risk.

Many healthcare websites and marketers handle patient data regularly that is protected by HIPAA regulations, and they don’t even realize it. As a HIPAA-compliant Internet marketing agency, we’re here to provide trusted expertise and help button up your digital strategy so it’s compliant with federal standards.

Want to know what makes Full Media HIPAA-compliant? Read more here.

Mobile First Thinking

Business Associate Agreement

Gain peace of mind that your patients’ data is being handled appropriately

A BAA is a requirement between a covered entity (healthcare organization) and any vendor or platform that manages Protected Health Information. Full Media can provide a BAA to each of our healthcare clients and facilitate BAAs with third-party tools or platforms.

Off-Site Optimization

Secure data handling and storage

Our team is trained to practice the same day-to-day security measures as your team.

Whether our team is handling patient data for marketing purposes or your website is collecting PHI through forms, our team is a trusted resource to ensure that you have the right tools and training in place to safeguard that data and follow regulations. Each member of our team completes many hours of training each year.

Integrated Experiences

Assistance in discovering new tools and solutions

We know it’s challenging to find solutions that meet the specific needs of healthcare marketers.

Through our healthcare-specific expertise, we can help identify tools that expand your marketing capacity while offering security measures, like BAAs and encrypted storage. We have vetted partnerships with healthcare tools and platforms, including form builders, call tracking, servers and data storage, chat tools and more.

Server-side Google Tag Manager for Healthcare

For organizations who are exploring other options to make their analytics and advertising tracking air-tight, Full Media offers both guidance and services to help!

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